Sunday, September 16, 2012
Trick or Treat-- Chicken Feet
It's been a while. Sorry. I got kind of busy, but don't take my lack of presence as a lack of interest. The DNC was awesome, and I made my first political donation to Obama for America. I also got a shirt, pictured above and premiered it over the weekend.
I'm always careful in choosing outfits when visiting home because my mom is very... opinionated about what I wear. But this tank is no doubt super-cute. Plus it was like, 100 degrees, so it was totally appropriate. Like starting this blog, I decided that wearing the shirt is like standing up for myself, and could be an invitation to have some political discourse for supporters or opponents to the President. The only conversation I had, unsurprisingly was annoying, but short. Nonetheless, it prompted me to share.
Wearing my super cute shirt, I sit at the 10 person round table for lunch. Another uncle, not Uncle Dave, but one who is similarly opinionated about "life", noticed my shirt and asked if I like President Obama. Uhm. Duh. I answer politely with a "yes". My aunt adds that he made a great speech at the DNC, to which I say, "everyone at the DNC who spoke was amazing". My uncle, willing to take the conversation "there" says, "Do you watch MSNBC?" Uhm. Duh again, I'm still smiling, but I know where this is going. So predictable. I knew what he was going to say next. "That's why you like him. Because you watch MSNBC. I used to watch MSNBC, and I used to like him too, but I don't anymore. They really like him, so that's why you do."
Ugh. &$%@#!. I don't know what it is that make people think that I can't make my own decisions, political or otherwise. First of all, who gives a shit if I watch MSNBC? Secondly, it's MSNBC, not Fox. I don't have statistics on this but I would think that MSNBC viewers are more likely to fact check than Fox fans. But besides that, MSNBC calls the President out a lot. Have you ever watched Morning Joe or the Ed Show? Of course they like him, it's a liberal, progressive network, and the President leans that way. It's called, having similar interests. Duh.
I only manage to say that the network is progressive, but am interrupted when the waiter comes to take our order. They have dim sum, and he asks if we'd like an order of chicken feet because its made to order or something. Another aunt laughs and says no to the feet, but I say I want to try it cos I'd never had it before. But more about the chicken feet later.
I missed my chance to finish the conversation with my uncle. Enough time passed between his diagnosis of my support and the ordering of food that it would've been in bad taste (IMO) to return to the subject, especially due to how ridiculous it was. A full 24-hours later, I think back to it and wish the waiter showed up 30 seconds later. That's all it would've taken for me to say what I needed to: I like the President because of all he's done despite the lack of support from the Right, not to mention the birthers and other "fringe" (yet mainstream) crazies out there, and Fox News. Moreover, the President is a symbol for the disenfranchised. He gets minority groups excited about politics and the possibilities of the future, which is super cool IMO. He's realistic, he comes from humble means, and has an amazing wife. He seems like an overall cool guy, brewing beer, playing basketball, and partying with Jay-Z, etc... The Affordable Healthcare Act and making family planning a mandatory service of insurance? TIIIGHT. If that's not enough, he killed Osama Bin Laden, for christ's sake. So before you tell me that the only reason I like President Barack Obama is MSNBC, you should ask yourself if you're willing to accuse me of being dumb. I can think for myself. I know what issues are important to me, and the President seems to be in my corner. If that's not enough, maybe you should ask 49% of voters if they have cable.
Back to the chicken feet, because I know you're curious. The waiter must've forgotten to put the order in because after about 15 minutes of a foot-less lazy susan, we had to remind him about the order. 4 feet came out in a steel dim sum steamer. They weren't what I expected. I thought they'd be deep fried, but they were steamed or boiled or something because they were squishy and kind of gelatinous. I took a foot and put in on my plate and just looked at it for a minute. My uncle, who is not of the minority-persuasion, laughed and said, "you know, if you don't just eat it, you'll psych yourself out and won't go through with eating it". That was it. Enough assumptions. I couldn't tell him off before because the moment passed, but not this time. I looked up at him, sighed, and said, "look man, I'm not afraid of food. I ordered it because I haven't tried it before, and because I've never eaten it, I'm just looking at how I should eat it before I do. Have you ever tried this?" to which he replied "no". "Well are you going to have one now?" "No." "Then I don't know why you're talking about it like that, so please just let me eat it and sssshh." No one said anything after that for a minute or two.
It wasn't a dare to eat it. It's food. It's food that nations of people eat. I wanted to try it, at least once, and I had that opportunity in front me. So I took it. Just because you think it's weird or gross, or just because you don't have the awareness, decency, or respect to shut the fuck up, doesn't make you exempt from being told. That shit is just irritating, right? Makes sense that he would look at chicken feet that way considering his broad assumptions on why I support the President. The President has given me the opportunity to be excited about politics, and sure MSNBC adds to the excitement with its interesting opinions and broadcasts. But it starts with me, my struggles and concerns as a young, female Filipino-American, and ends with my decision and vote. Duh.
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