Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the days of white dudes like Mitt are numbered. *Disclaimer: that number is probably high, but is nonetheless numbered. Now that the American people have spoken (not just via electoral college, but by popular vote too), that number may be on its way down.
In DUD style, my aunt posted a sad status today:
Ah, yes. Fairness. Good versus evil. Lazy versus hardworking. Life should be fair and full of simple binaries. After a few refreshes and 20 minutes of nothing, I had to comment. Especially since there were already 2 likes.
We could go through the my aunt's sad status line by line but I'd like to focus on reality. The American people have spoken and they chose Barack Obama. We could focus on how Governor Romney and the GOP botched their campaign, but let's not. Let's focus on what really happened: the voice of America has changed. Governor Romney and his gang had the money and a 25 point lead in white, male voters. President Obama had 71% of the Latino vote, 73% of the Asian vote, 93% of the African American vote, and 55% of women. You can have all the old, white men in the country, and they are nothing without everyone else. And everyone else is starting to count a lot more than those old, white men.
America and the American dream no longer seek the status and stature of the white man. We are becoming increasingly comfortable with our individual, ethnic, and communal identities. Linguistically, President Obama and Governor Romney illustrate that exact point. Have you ever seen Mittens try to land a joke? Barack on the other hand, is hilarious. The American heartland, which was once seen as a the truer America, is no more or less true that urban centers (you know, those places filled with traffic, buildings, and people of color). These ideas that we've had about America are quickly becoming useless (GOP, are you listening?). We aren't a white, agrarian society anymore-- we don't need summers off to harvest corn. I don't have to get married to exist in this world. We are a diverse, innovative, technological, advanced country. We don't have to blindly follow the tradition of assimilation anymore. We can be pro-choice in every aspect of our lives.
The economy isn't just about money. It's about the choices we make, and how we live our lives. And for those people who continue to make choices and live their lives the way they post status updates (like the one above): you're welcome and you're lucky that there are plenty of people who live in the real America and show up when it counts.
1 of the 50.4% of voters who saved your asses
UPDATE 11-8-12 @ 12:58
Why is it that the Facebook posts of my GOP/conservative family members are so difficult for me to understand? Bad for our country, good for the blog. Shrugs.
UPDATE 11-8-12 @ 2:24
If he was talking about what I think, then he forgot about the gays.
Ah, yes. Fairness. Good versus evil. Lazy versus hardworking. Life should be fair and full of simple binaries. After a few refreshes and 20 minutes of nothing, I had to comment. Especially since there were already 2 likes.
We could go through the my aunt's sad status line by line but I'd like to focus on reality. The American people have spoken and they chose Barack Obama. We could focus on how Governor Romney and the GOP botched their campaign, but let's not. Let's focus on what really happened: the voice of America has changed. Governor Romney and his gang had the money and a 25 point lead in white, male voters. President Obama had 71% of the Latino vote, 73% of the Asian vote, 93% of the African American vote, and 55% of women. You can have all the old, white men in the country, and they are nothing without everyone else. And everyone else is starting to count a lot more than those old, white men.
America and the American dream no longer seek the status and stature of the white man. We are becoming increasingly comfortable with our individual, ethnic, and communal identities. Linguistically, President Obama and Governor Romney illustrate that exact point. Have you ever seen Mittens try to land a joke? Barack on the other hand, is hilarious. The American heartland, which was once seen as a the truer America, is no more or less true that urban centers (you know, those places filled with traffic, buildings, and people of color). These ideas that we've had about America are quickly becoming useless (GOP, are you listening?). We aren't a white, agrarian society anymore-- we don't need summers off to harvest corn. I don't have to get married to exist in this world. We are a diverse, innovative, technological, advanced country. We don't have to blindly follow the tradition of assimilation anymore. We can be pro-choice in every aspect of our lives.
The economy isn't just about money. It's about the choices we make, and how we live our lives. And for those people who continue to make choices and live their lives the way they post status updates (like the one above): you're welcome and you're lucky that there are plenty of people who live in the real America and show up when it counts.
1 of the 50.4% of voters who saved your asses
UPDATE 11-8-12 @ 12:58
Why is it that the Facebook posts of my GOP/conservative family members are so difficult for me to understand? Bad for our country, good for the blog. Shrugs.
UPDATE 11-8-12 @ 2:24
If he was talking about what I think, then he forgot about the gays.
I just de-friended a white, male dbag who was really upset that "everyone" voted on social issues and not the economy. I responded that social issues might have been more important to him if he was gay or had ladyparts. He then accused me, and all liberals of being closed minded. I was going to go into a well-written rebuttal a la "I'm closed minded because I care about my ovaries?" but decided that it wasn't worth it. No matter what I say, he will always watch FOX news and think liberals don't have jobs and love sitting around in their underwear collecting welfare checks. If facts and reality mattered, most of the modern GOP would break rank, and all that would be left is rich WASPs, delusional bible thumpers and racist motherfuckers... oh wait, that's their core constituency.
ReplyDeleteHere's a book I want to read, have you read it?
Also, for a good laugh:
Dang. I think it's funny how everyone is saying that the GOP needs to "reach out to Latinos" or whatever other minority group. It's like, how about stop being crazy?