Ah, I haven't lost my touch. That ability to concisely articulate my opinion and get an angry reaction from a family member. It doesn't matter if we are blood related or connected by some institutional technicality, but I gone done it again. Sorry, Uncle Dave, you aren't the only one.
I know what comes with going against the grain, or the family... but IDK, true colors intrigue me. It's very interesting to see how one will react to my "radically liberal" views. Uncle Dave at least attempts to reason with me condescendingly before deleting me as a friend, but this one is new: "So what's your fucking point" followed by "if you love the gays so much you can go to hell with them and get aids".
Those two sentences were posted on a chick-fil-a related wall post on another relative's wall. Her friends were having an interesting discussion of it, and I even contributed a funny in there. A day after the record-braking sales day for the anti-gay fast food chain, it became apparent how much it wasn't just about the chicken. It's about the gays, and how they should all go to hell like they're supposed to.
One thing is for sure: I will say what I think if I feel that it's necessary. In this case, that was true. The original status update was the "what's the big deal" stance. "Hate Sandwich Bonanza" is on the front page of HuffPost today, and the pictures don't lie. People stood in lines that wrapped around the building and waited for hours to reach the counter, order the traditional "family meal" (get it?), and tell the person at the counter how all the faggots should die. OK, not everyone said that last part, but some totally did. A lot of them probably said stuff like, "I support marriage between a man and a woman, just like chick-fil-a does". But still. You didn't go to chick-fil-a yesterday for the hot sauce.
Back to the post: I prefaced my commented by saying "I just gotta say", meaning, "really, I tried to hold it back but I just can't". And I put it out there. It's not a freedom of speech issue. It's more of a anti-hate issue. Chick-fil-a's philanthropy consists of donating millions to anti-gay organizations, including the Pray the Gay Away stuff. wtf. I thought I was being pretty light and polite about it, and I even said that I anticipate being called lame-stream... but I guess lame-stream doesn't always encompass the fate of hell and/or AIDS.
It all started with "what's the big deal? it's just chicken and you're really missing out on a great sandwich".
Well, it IS a big deal when people respond to a boycott by doing the opposite of boycotting (in masses). It's a big deal when Sarah Palin and her
Gay rights is just another component of the culture war, but it can't be dismissed in the name of tasty fast food. Being tolerant of gays existing isn't enough. Tolerance is not far from a dislike. It's probably a just few steps above hate. I tolerate the smell in public bathrooms, but I try to pee before I leave the house so I can avoid the hassle of tolerance.
The post was deleted within 5 minutes of the crazy. It's unfortunate, but it's not hard to find similar rhetoric.
Check this out:
ReplyDeleteThe Chick Fellatio: stuck in the craw
Worthy excerpt:
"If I, in turn, don’t mean more to you than a chicken sandwich from Chik-Fil-A–if my life, my quality of life, and my dignity are such afterthoughts to you that you’d not only refuse the boycott, but go out of your way to support someone who was hurting me? if I let this stand, if I don’t stand up to the bullies and if I let my friends egg the bullies on, what does that make me?"