Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What's to "like"?

Of my 686 Facebook friends, 5 "like" Mitt Romney. Yea, I had to take a second to process that too. I went so far as to go to Mitt Romney's Facebook page to confirm this. Most of my Facebook friends is a friend of one type or another, so of course, I respect their opinions. This one too, sort of... But I am very curious to know what it is about Romney that they like. If it's just because they don't like President Obama, then it's not really a "like" for Romney... it's just a like by default. That's not really winning. So I posted the following:

I have yet to receive an answer from a Romney fan. My most vocal Republican supporter for which this blog is primarily dedicated to is no longer my Facebook friend, so I have been waiting since yesterday for someone else to step up. I realized that anyone directly connected to me on Facebook can see I am a progressive, Pro-President Obama kind of gal, which is exactly why I worded it the way I did. I even added the disclaimer that this is a freebie. But no....

I did a little stalking of these 5 friends and (not surprisingly) discovered that 2/5 listed themselves as conservative, 1 claimed Latter Day Saints as their religion, 1 is from the middle east, and they are all pretty young. Coincidence?

So why like him? I'm not sure what there is to like because I haven't heard him actually stand for anything. In most interviews I've seen, he dodges questions, has no stance on anything, and isn't funny (if he is, it isn't on purpose). Granted, I get a lot of my news from the lame-stream media, so I may be biased. I decided to check out MittRomney.com, which confirmed things I don't like:
  • Values:
    • He wants to over-turn Roe v. Wade and defund Planned Parenthood
    • He supports "traditional marriage" (aka, anti-gay marriage rights)
  • Energy:
    • He prioritizes carbon-based energy sources
  • Immigration:
    • High-fence border between the U.S. and Mexico
  • Taxes:
    • Cut corporate taxes by 25%
  • "Smaller, Simpler, Smarter Government"
    • Privatize Amtrak
    • Defund the National Endowments for Arts and Humanities 
    • Reversal of Obama-era Defense cuts
    • Reduce federal workforce by 10%
Oh, and did I mention, most of those sections began with a description of President Obama's failures? So is it about really liking Mitt Romney, or hating the President?

After a lot of squinting and head-scratching, I had enough. I don't get it. If they knew all of that, would they still like him? How does any of that seem like a good idea? The only way that could happen is if someone told them to... FOX NEWS! But no, none of them liked Fox News.

I guess it won't be that easy to figure out. This will continue to perplex me just as much as Chick-fil-a appreciation day. I just hope the swing voters aren't as crazy. ;)


  1. Regarding "traditional marriage" - it is such a horrible, mean spirited, bigoted stance to take. It's essentially saying "I think your kind of love is icky, so I am going to continue to repress you". Makes me want to throw up. I can't believe a candidate for the leader of the nation can continue to be so juvenile.

    I had a talk with my mom on our vacation about it - while she is pro-marriage equality, she didn't have any idea that Illinois (her home state) continued to outlaw it. We also talked about a variety of people she knows who get their information solely from Fox News and strongly identify with religion - who, you guessed it - are totally fine with supporting politicians that still view certain Americans as second-class citizens. I can't wrap my head around the kind of childish hatred or authoritarian sheep mentality that continues to influence otherwise decent people.

  2. Dude. When I lived with my parents, my mom LOVED Nancy Grace. Ugh. My parents are middle class and are scared that they're gonna be like hella taxed, but they don't seem to know what's really going on. It's weird to me that they're not more concerned and not trying to learn. SMH.
