Friday, August 17, 2012

The fact is, you should just trust me.

Election 2012 is not about the economy, Medicare, or policy-- it's about trust, which is kind of hard to have nowadays. There are so many distractions, motives, and scandals that there is no credibility left.... I mean, look at Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. ($#@&^!!) The institutions and people we used to turn to for truth are now corrupt or bought. Even entire media networks operate 24/7 with an agenda (cough ..FOX, cough). For every idea, there's a website or voice who validates it with expert testimony, statistics, and research.  How else  could your vegan- libertarian brother in-law cyber-scream all those "facts" at you?

The campaign ads alone will make you paranoid. But the trust-me thing doesn't stop there.  This theme has manifested itself in several different ways this season, which maybe isn't new, but it's certainly overwhelmingly in your face. Well, maybe not in yours, but in mine for sure. 

Mitt Romney won't release his tax records, but we should trust that he's done what is legally required, which according to him, isn't less than a whopping 13%. But we just have to take his word for it. Same goes for his stance on his economic plan. Generally, he wants to cut taxes, reduce spending, but the details are for us to trust him with, and he knows it will all work out. Paul Ryan says he didn't accept stimulus money, but did, and then said he just couldn't recall. He also says that President Obama stole $70Billion from Medicare to put in into Obamacare... we were supposed to trust that it stopped there. He neglects to mention that his plan would've done the same thing, except he wouldn't put it back into "care". This past week, Romney and Ryan have changed positions on Medicare and the economy, it amazes me how they act like their current position has been their only position. For a littler perspective, President Obama was questioned for being a real American aaaand he showed us all his birth certificate. Interesting....

I've always thought that voting for the President was like voting for the person who essentially represents you and your interests. How do you even know what Romney has to offer? Is it trust? Me thinks not. 

And speaking of voting, are we supposed to believe trust that voter fraud is a problem? Or, do we trust that voter ID requirements would mostly affect inner-city minorities who can't afford cars (or a driver's license)? Do we believe that in 2008 more voters than before were young, poor, and African American? I think we know who they voted for... Trust me. ;P

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